Removing Special Characters from a File Using Bash

This Bash script is designed to remove special characters from a file and save the cleaned content to another file.

Step 1: Understand the Script’s Purpose The script aims to clean a file named “temp-dialog.csv” by removing special characters from each line.

Step 2: Set Up the Script Open a Text Editor: Use any text editor like Notepad, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code.

Start a New File: Create a new file and save it with a .sh extension, for example,

Step 3: Write the Script Copy and paste the provided Bash script into your text editor. Ensure it looks like this:


# Function to remove special characters from a string
remove_special_characters() {
    # Define a regex pattern to match special characters

    # Remove special characters from the string using the pattern
    cleaned_string=$(echo "$1" | sed "s/$pattern//g")

    # Return the cleaned string
    echo "$cleaned_string"

# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "your-filename-here.csv" ]; then
    echo "File not found: your-filename-here.csv"
    exit 1

# Read the file line by line, remove special characters, and write the cleaned lines to a temporary file
while IFS= read -r line; do
    cleaned_line=$(remove_special_characters "$line")
    echo "$cleaned_line" >> "clean-temp-dialog.csv"
done < "your-filename-here.csv"

echo "Special characters removed from your-filename-here.csv. Cleaned file saved as clean-your-filename-here.csv."

Step 4: Save and Execute the Script Save the Script: Save the script file in the directory where your “temp-dialog.csv” file is located.

Make the Script Executable: Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where your script is saved. Run the following command to make the script executable:

chmod +x

Step 5: Run the Script: Execute the script by running the following command:


Step 5: Check the Output After running the script, it will either clean your file or display an error message if “temp-dialog.csv” doesn’t exist. You can find the cleaned content in a new file named “cl-temp-dialog.csv” in the same directory.

Conclusion You’ve successfully created and executed a Bash script to remove special characters from a file. Feel free to modify the script according to your needs or integrate it into other automation tasks.